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Introducing Sammy Rabbit's Let's Get Kids Financially Literate Campaign!

by Team Sammy

The Mission

Let's get kids financially literate - young kids! Kids ages 3 and up!

Let's get them building "foundational" money habits that will set them up to consistently advance their financial well-being throughout their lives!

Financial well-being means greater financial stability, security, independence, freedom, wealth and wellness. That is what Team Sammy "wants" for kids. It's the essence of our mission. We welcome you to join us!

Start Today!

Begin building kids money knowledge today with a FREE Basic Membership or "low cost" Premium Membership to Sammy Rabbit's online Money School!

We want quality financial literacy education and experiences to be available to everyone.

That is why Sammy Rabbit provides:

  • FREE Memberships and Scholarship Premium Memberships to the Money School.

  • It also why we provide complimentary virtual, author led financial education experiences for children and workshops for teenagers, young adults, and parents.

Contact Sammy to discover more about our financial literacy education programs and resources!

3 Big Challenges

Here are "three" big challenges related to getting kids financially literate when they are young.

  1. Babies and young kids are learning machines.

    If you think your young child is not learning anything about money, think again. Research reveals "adult" money habits are set by age seven! Read more on this below.

    Children's innate ability to absorb information like sponges presents a unique challenge for parents. From the moment they are born, they are constantly processing sights and sounds without discrimination. They instinctively grasp both verbal and non-verbal cues, shaping their attitudes, habits, and thoughts about various aspects of life, including money. Whether parents "intentionally" and "consciously" engage in financial education or not, children are inevitably learning about money. Their perceptions, attitudes, and behaviors towards finances are being subtly molded from a very young age.

    In many cases, this means what kids are learning about money will not be helpful to them in navigating the complexities of financial decision-making in life. Additionally, it further means they will most likely have to unlearn what they have unknowingly absorbed, potentially requiring significant effort to rewire their understanding of money and financial management

    To address the challenge parents and primary influences will want to slowly and steadily become more intentional with their money messaging. No surprise, this will require effort and energy.

  2. Kids learn from a variety of sources, including advertisers.

    Parents face a significant challenge in instilling financial literacy in their children due to the multitude of influences beyond their control, including advertisers. While parents serve as the primary educators and influencers in their children's lives, they are not the sole sources of information. Family, friends, and advertisers also play influential roles, often conveying messages about money that may conflict with parental values and proven financial management principles.

    It's crucial to recognize three key characteristics of advertiser communications: firstly, their messaging is highly intentional and predominantly focused on spending money; secondly, their messages are consistently delivered; and thirdly, they may inundate children with repetitive messages promoting spending, potentially overshadowing other important financial lessons.

  3. Decline in Financial Institutions' Focus on Children's Savings Accounts

    A third challenge parents encounter in fostering financial literacy among their children is the diminishing priority placed on children's savings accounts by financial institutions. Unlike in past decades, where banks actively promoted and encouraged children to save, modern financial institutions often overlook this demographic. In an era where consumerism and immediate gratification prevail, banks tend to prioritize products and services geared towards adults, neglecting the crucial role of introducing children to saving habits early on. This shift poses a hurdle for parents seeking to educate their children about financial responsibility and long-term planning, as they must now navigate a landscape where children's savings accounts are no longer emphasized or readily available.

3 Questions Every Parent Should Ask

Three questions every parent should ask when it comes to getting their children financially literate are:

  1. What are kids learning and being taught about money?

    Related questions: Is it what you want? Is it what will help them build a foundation that leads to a lifetime of sustained and growing success? Or, Is it what reliably leads them to the "gimmes" at ages 3 and 4?

  2. What do you want them to learn about money?

  3. Who do you want teaching your kids about money?

    Related question: Who is currently shaping not only what goes into their heads, but their hearts, habits, feelings and attitudes?

The Answer - Take Charge Today

Parents can take charge of their kids money learning process today. Teaching kids the basics of money is not rocket science.

And/or parents can get assistance. This is where Sammy Rabbit and his new online Money School will be helpful.

The School is an easy, fun, and time-efficient strategy to teach kids about money.

Start with a Song or Story

Team Sammy's 20+ years of experience in the field leads us to suggest starting with a song, story, short sentence and/or a deposit into a piggy bank.

Take a listen to a Sammy money song or read a Sammy storybook right now!!! Test them for yourself. Test them with your children and/or students.

Unique, Easy, Fun, Informative

Sammy Rabbit has a one-of-a-kind, "head, heart, and hug" approach to teaching kids about money.

It not only builds kids knowledge and competency at managing money, it builds children's reading, writing, critical thinking, goal-setting skills and more.

So, "do it today:" get kids, families, and communities advancing their financial literacy.

Let's "do it" BEFORE kids habits, mindsets, and feelings drive them into a life of debt, stress, broken dreams and relationships.

Have You Seen the Research?

The research indicates it is imperative that parents, teachers and community leaders take charge of children's financial education immediately, BEFORE others, including advertisers do.

Did you know:

  1. A study by the University of Cambridge found that children's money habits are formed as early as age 7.

    This means the earlier we start teaching kids about money, the more likely they are to develop "great" money habits that will benefit them throughout their lives.

  2. According to a survey by the National Financial Educators Council, young adults who received financial education as children are more likely to save money, have a budget, and invest in the stock market than those who did not receive financial education.

  3. The National Endowment for Financial Education reports that 76% of Americans are living paycheck to paycheck. By teaching children about budgeting, saving, and investing, we can help them avoid falling into this cycle of financial insecurity and set them on the path to long-term financial stability.

It's Never Too Early To Start the Learning Process

You want the best for your children.

By instilling good financial habits at a young age, you set children up for a lifetime of sustained and growing success. That is the kind we like. That is the kind what we want at Sammy Rabbit dot com.

Here is one the secret ingredients to Sammy's Money School.

The School makes it easy for parents, teachers, and community leaders to talk to, teach and shape kids money habits - feelings - and attitudes on a daily basis by providing a wealth and variety of activities that appeal to every learning style!

A Wealth of First Hand Experience

There is a ton to consider and know when it comes to kids and money, like starting the education process early gives kids an advantage.

Sammy Rabbit solves the problem by simplifying the process. He integrates lessons around topics kids are naturally interested in and activities families do regularly.

So, we invite you to take advantage of and leverage the 20+ years of "first hand - in the field experience" we have acquired designing and delivering early age, youth and family financial education resources and programs around the world.

How You Can Help Sammy Rabbit Advance Kids and Families Financial Literacy Levels

  1. Give custom, co-branded Sammy Rabbit story and activity books to kids in your local community!

  2. Collaborate and partner with Sammy on "1" project in 2024: See a Menu of Ideas or suggest your own.

Contact us to explore more options and support Sammy's mission. Thank you. Have a #Sammyriffic day!