Co-Brand Sammy story and activity books!
Grow your business, contribute to your community, nurture relationships. Showcase your brand and values in unique education resources that build financial literacy, reading, and thinking skills. Have your brand prominently featured in 4 locations:
Front Cover
Front Inside Cover with Special Message
Back Inside Cover
Back Cover

Key Features:
A custom message you craft!
Prominent recognition in "four" places in book(s) you choose.
Access to marketing assets to promote strategy.
Extra exposure in Sammy Rabbit social media channels.
Products and services to grow the strategy including discounts on your own co-branded Sammy Rabbit's Money School with "premium" memberships to give to clients, prospects, etc.
Relationship and Lead Generation: Effortlessly nurtures conversations, relationships, and leads with those who share similar values.
Brand Distinction, Growth and Enrichment: Sets your brand apart in the market making it easy to recognize among competitors. Provides you unique selling points to earn business. Enriches brand by being recognized as a valued community leader who invests in education, families, nonprofits, social responsibility, etc.
Cost-Effective and Time-Saving: The strategy is affordable and easy to implement saving you time and money.
Rewarding - Feel-Good Factor: The strategy has the added bonus that it makes you feel good sharing life transforming resources that not only build the personal finance, reading, and vocabulary skills of young people but also adds joy to their lives.
Sammy Rabbit’s co-brand strategy helps successfully solve business challenges.
How do you attract attention that invites meaningful conversation? How do you stand out from the competition? How do you nurture and grow quality relationships? Sammy Rabbit is a strategic partner to help you answer these questions that every enterprise needs to answer to survive and thrive.
See what Sammy Rabbit's partners are saying
Sheryl GarrettCFP
"I've given over 1,000 Sammy books to advisors in our network to share with their own families and clients.The story of Sammy Rabbit’s journey to accomplishing his big dream, coincides with my belief that advisors should prompt adult clients to think about what they really want, too."
Abby KovachCFP®, Mom
"What if there were a way to program our kids to make smart choices now and in the future without relying on will power or setting them up to feel deprived? The key might be as simple as catching our kids at a very young age and helping them form the right habits, just like Sammy Rabbit’s parents and Auntie Squirrel have done in Sam X Renick’s powerful financial literacy tools - Sammy's Big Dream..."
Brian KallbackProfessor, Wealth Advisor
"Sammy Rabbit’s long-term mindset swims against our social current of immediate gratification. The books have been effective teaching tools for my students at Loras College. We’ve found Sammy to be effective at instigating conversations for the kids about saving, spending, and objectives. It is a wonderful learning experience for our students as well.”
Pricing starts at $4.95 per unit
100 unit minimum order. Shipping and sales tax may apply.