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Sammy Song Lyrics - Budget

by Team Sammy


Parents have your kids read the lyrics to the Sammy Rabbit money song titled, Budget!

Music is a fun, easy and time efficient way to teach kids about money! It is also a Sammyriffic way to celebrate great money habits. Music and singing bring joy and energy to money lessons and learning about personal finance.

7 Step Money Lesson

Here are seven simple steps that will have parents, teachers, and trainers having a blast teaching young kids about budgeting.

Step 1. Read Song Lyrics Together




A budget is a money plan

Tells you where and when

Your money's coming in

Tells you where and when

Your money is going out

Keeps you from spinning round and round

Shows you just how your money flows

And where your money goes


You add it up, you subtract it down

In and out, up and down

That's what a budget's is all about

Answers all your

Who, what, when, where's and why's

GiveS you the 4-1-1

Doesn't tell a lie

Let's you know if you are ahead or behind

Keeps worries from your mind

Free from money binds

In and out, up and down

That's what a budget's is all about



Let's not debate, let's talk straight

A budget backs you up

Same as a measuring cup

Keeps you out of quick sand

On the road to the promised land

Gives you the time and date

Of everything you spend

Everything you planned

It's just a chart that let's you know

How your money flows, where your money goes

You will stay out of the hole,

So you stay in control

So you have plenty of money to rock and roll


Step 2. Listen to the Song

Now listen to the song Budget together. Listen as many times as you like!

Step 3. Discuss Song

For example, I love the lyrics:

  • "... a budget is a money plan ..."

  • "... keeps worries from your mind ..."

  • "... you will stay out of the hole, so you stay in control ..."

Here are some questions to spark conversation:

  • Do you think having a plan and budget for your money will help you make better money choices? Why or why not?

  • Can you think of one way a budget can help keep worries from your mind?

  • How do you imagine being stuck in a money hole feels compared to being in control of your money?

Step 4. Activities

If you are a premimun Sammy Rabbit Money School member, have your child, children or students complete one or all of the activities that accompany the song Budget.

If you are not a premium School member, join. This is a wonderful way to support Sammy's mission to bring financial literacy education to kids and families across the world.

If you are Free member, listen to more music from Sammy's Song Series. And keep having discussions with your parents and teachers about the money habits shared in the songs.

Step 5. Review and Discuss Activities

After your child, children or students has completed the activities for the song Budget, review and discuss them together.

Step 6. Deposits

Applied knowledge is powerful and life transforming.

  • Give your child or children opportunities to earn and save money.

  • Make a deposit with your child or children into a piggy bank, savings jar or into a savings account at the financial institution of your choice. Get them in the habits of earning, saving and budgeting money. You can start with a first simple budget. Small steps work. Oh yes!

  • Have your child deposit the activities they complete into their Dream Big Journal!

Step 7. Keep Learning

Sammy Rabbit says:

Always be learning! You can do it. Now, get to it! Have a Sammyriffic time!

Free Membership to Sammy's Money School

Let's get kids financially literate, their families and communities too.

Sammy Rabbit's free membership program:

  • makes quality early age, youth and family financial education available immediately

  • gives access to anyone and everyone who wants to teach their kids money habits and principles that will help both children and families establish a solid foundation to achieve increased levels of financial stability throughout their lives.

  • Get a FREE Sammy Rabbit's Money School Membership NOW!

Contact Sammy


We welcome your questions, suggestions, thoughts about Sammy Rabbit and his mission to get kids, famllies & communities financially literate.

Your friends in early age, youth and family financial literacy education for the last 20+ years and counting, Team Sammy!

Have a Sammyriffic day!

Inclusive Family Financial Wellness

IF inclusive family-centered financial wellness and/or early age family financial literacy are a priority for you or your enterprise, let's talk.

We have resources and strategies for every budget, including FREE, NO-COST and Group DISCOUNTED plans to help you exceed your objectives!

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