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Darren Collins Financial Literacy Champion Talks Kids and Money with Sammy Rabbit: 13 Sammy Rabbit “Gold Karat” Takeaways

by Team Sammy

We had a Sammyriffic Childhood Money Memory podcast and discussion recently with Darren Collins financial literacy educator and champion from the United Kingdom.

Watch and enjoy the interview above.

Plus, below discover about Darren and a list of 13 Sammy Rabbit “Gold Karat” takeaways from the podcast!

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About Darren

Darren is on a mission to encourage financial education with the young, old, and everyone in between.

He believes our future is brighter when we invest some time in understanding finance.

He is a Qualified as an Independent Financial and Mortgage adviser and with almost 20 years of experience in education and professional sports coaching.

Darren is currently the Head of the Finance Department at the Sittingbourne School in England!

13 Sammy Rabbit Gold Karat Takeaways from Darren Collins Financial Literacy Champion!

(1) Darren shares he grew in a working class community in East London. He never wanted for love but had few material things. Then one day his mother decided she wanted to move to an area where the education might be better. It was in his new school that Darren first felt the "impact" of money and the effect it can have on people.

(2) In his new school, at the secondary level, in a more affluent area, Darren began to notice Land Rovers, students with nice clothes, and a variety of material things that he had not previously encountered.

Darren describes the experience as "intimidating!"

It was a "wake up" call on what money or the things money can buy can signal to people.

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(3) In his new surroundings, Darren felt as though he went from being an equal in his "tight" East London community, to something less than that in his new surroundings.

Darren said, this was going on mostly in "his head!" It wasn't anyone else. It was his perception. It has taken him years of self-reflection to get his head around the experience.

The experience was so impactful, Darren describes it as the "driving and inspiring" force behind his desire to be a financial educator and bring more financial literacy to the world.

(4) Darren shared he "loved" school but hated "non-uniform" day. It made him feel so bad he did not want to go to school. It gave him a feeling of inferiority.

As he grew up, he asked himself, "why I am thinking like that?" But at the time, it was terrible. Non-uniform day "drained" his confidence. He just dreaded it.

This was a lifelong lesson for him and he wants more people to be aware of the impact non-uniform days can have on kids and the pressure it can add to their lives. It can transfer to their entire family and effect school attendance as well.

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(5) Darren is a competitor. So what helped him cope with non-uniform days was his prowess in sports. And, he also recognized that going to school in somewhat more affluent area offered him more opportunties.

Thus, once soccer began and Darren was able to demonstrate his skills on the field, parents began approaching him inquiring what outside clubs he belonged to.

Within months of starting at his new school, Darren was playing on several club teams that he had not previously had access to.

Within two years he was able to travel to California. From there, he was scouted by professional soccer teams. So despite his discomfort in certain situations in his new environment, Darren was able to take advantage of the opportunities presented to him to make important progress in his life.

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(6) Darren discovered if one is able to positively channel their adversity, it can be used to overcome the barriers and challenges one inevitably will face in life.

Adversity can be a path to personal progress and growth.

(7) Another big "aha" for Darren was understanding that sports was a strength for him and he could and did leverage it advance.

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(8) Darren thinks it is important to be competitive against yourself instead of other people. He shares he finds it valuable to compete against himself so he can be and become the best he can be.

(9) As a child Darren with the encouragement of his mother would save spare change when it was around. He is practicing and passing along the same tradition today with his nieces and nephews.

One of the things the whole family enjoys is opening up those piggy banks. It brings joy to everyone. You get the opportunity to reap the rewards from the discipline, patience and waiting required to save and reach a goal.

Darren agrees, their is a power in saving pennies. Pennie make pounds. And pounds make more pounds. There is a growth and compounding that goes with saving and investing regularly.

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(10) Darren suggests when it comes to managing our personal finances we take full advantage of the digital tools offered us today. That includes smart phones.

Darren points out that when using budgeting and spending apps, you can record and keep track of everything down to the penny. That's important. Because those pennies add up.

There is no wastage when using digital financial management tools.

Taking advantage of digital tools will advance your financial wellness and wealth!

(11) Darren encourages getting on board with going "cashless!"

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(12) One of the lessons Darren wants to pass on to kids is that the only person they have control over is themselves.

(13) If Darren could only teach a child one money habit it would be to learn self discipline and sacrifice. Discipline and sacrifice pay off. They allow you to do more. Discipline has lots of benefits in every facet of your life.

Discover more about Darren. Visit his website: or profile on #LinkedIn: Darren Collins

Thank you Darren!!!

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