Guest Blogger Elhadj Toure
In this special guest blog, Sammy Rabbit is proud to showcase the journey, lessons learned and aspirations of Elhadj Toure.
Elhadj is a senior at River Ridge High School in Lacey, Washington, with plans to pursue a degree in economics. With a keen interest in finance and business, he serves as the Director of the newsletter for The Economic Literacy Initiative (ELI).
Passionate about leveraging economic policy to address global challenges, Elhadj aims to contribute to creating a more equitable world.
Outside the classroom, Elhadj enjoys staying up to date on the latest soccer matches, playing the sport, and refereeing games.
My Journey to Discovering the Power of Economic Literacy
In 9th grade, I accidentally stumbled into the world of finance. While walking past my dad, who was engrossed in a Bloomberg TV stream, I caught snippets of discussions about stocks and international markets. The scrolling side panels of interest rates felt like a foreign language. Although I only watched for a few minutes, I was intrigued. My curiosity was piqued. Soon after, my YouTube history was flooded with personal finance and investing videos. Channels like Graham Stephan and Andrei Jikh became my go-to resources. As I dove in deeper, one concept stood out: the earlier you start, the more you can achieve. That realization ignited my passion for finance and economics.
Now, as a senior in high school, I channel that passion by serving as the newsletter director for the Economic Literacy Initiative (ELI). Each week, I simplify complex economic news for younger readers, explaining its significance and connecting it to real-life scenarios they might encounter. My goal is to empower individuals to make informed financial decisions and take control of their futures. This experience has reinforced my belief that financial and economic literacy is not just valuable—it’s essential.
The 3 Most Important Things I’ve learned
1. Compound Interest is “the eighth wonder of the world”
Compound interest works like a snowball rolling downhill—it grows faster the longer it rolls. Investing just $50 a month starting at age 18 can yield significantly more by retirement than beginning the same habit at 27. The key is time: the earlier you start, the more time your money has to grow. That’s what makes compound interest a game-changer for building long-term wealth.
2. Small Steps Add Up
You don’t need to be an expert or have a lot of money to start investing. Small, consistent steps—like setting aside a little each month—can create significant momentum over time. Waiting for the “perfect time” only delays progress, and every day you wait is a missed opportunity for growth.
3. Economic Literacy is Empowering
Investing early is just one piece of the puzzle. Understanding budgeting, saving, debt management, and different retirement accounts—like Roth IRA’s traditional IRA’s—equips you to make informed financial decisions. These habits provide the foundation for pursuing your goals and dreams with confidence and freedom.
My Aim Going Forward
By starting early and understanding the key aspects of personal finance—along with harnessing the power of compound interest—anyone can take control of their financial journey. Through my role at the ELI, I aim to make these lessons more accessible and approachable.
Discover more about our featured Guest Blogger
To learn more about Elhadj, connect with her on LinkedIn: Elhadj Toure.
Attention Young Leaders
We welcome and invite you to participate in Sammy's 'Be the Change' financial literacy initiative for college and high school students.
(1) Join peers advancing awareness on the importance of early age, youth, and family financial education by having your journey into financial literacy featured as a Sammy Rabbit Guest Blogger.
Arin Wani: Teen Leader Was Encouraged to Aim High!
Jacklin Wang: Becoming Financially Literate Since Age 9
Index of Student Blogs (Click and scroll down)
(2) Then volunteer as a Sammy Rabbit Ambassador or Intern championing financial literacy in your community and around the globe! Learn more in these blogs or by CONTACTING Team Sammy today! We welcome your questions and suggestions on Sammy Rabbit and his mission to get kids, families & communities financially literate.