I Want Better for My Kids
Below are "lines I love" and Sammy Rabbit "Gold Karat" ideas from the She Knows Article titled: I Wasn't Taught About Money and I Want Better for My Kids!
Many parents feel that way.
That would include single parents, like the column's creator, Elaine Roth.
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NOTE: I am cited in this article. Although I stand behind my guidance one thousand percent or more, I did not include anything I said below. :-)
Lines I Love
The Line: I want better for my kids.
My Thoughts: (1) Could anything be more natural or powerful in motivating one to align their actions with their values? This dynamic is why we wholeheartedly encourage Parents to Have Kids Start a Dream Big Journal. Figure out what you want and are willing to work and toward and help your kids do the same. If there is some sort of "magic formula" to making parenting easier, this is one of the ingredients to the recipe. People do not think of "work" as "work" and do it more willingly and with great enthusiasm when it is something they are interested in or "want" to do. Parents can "bank" on that!
The Line: It’s not a pleasant feeling, especially since now I’m the one running the single (solo) parent household and it’s my job to teach my children.
My Thoughts: (1) It makes sense to Team Sammy that if you want your kids to do better, at anything, it would be important to take charge, responsibility, and or accountability for it happening. (2) Imagine what it might do for a child's chances of becoming financial competent or literate in managing money, IF, a parent who is OR is not financially literate, says to the child something like: I want you to do better with money, sooner, than me. I strongly believe this will help you for your whole. So, I am going to help you learn about money. Let's start by reading a story about saving money. Let's start by making a deposit into a piggy bank or a savings jar. Let's start by opening a savings account at a bank, credit union or equivalent. Let's start by setting a weekly saving goal. As you may already know, Sammy Rabbit believes Money Lesson 1 Parents Should Teach Kids is to get in the habit of saving money. We believe this for a multitude of reasons, but this column shares 7 Reasons Why Saving Money is a Great Habit for Kids to Learn.Now, further imagine what it might do for a child's esteem, especially, if a parent also shares something like, I think your future is important, that is why I am willing to make sacrifices, save and invest in it and help you learn to do the same.
I do not think any of the actions suggested above require an individual to be financially literate. I do think they may take some basic common sense, a desire for a your child having something better than you experienced, and a willingness to commit to taking on the job of getting the job started.
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The Line: I want them to be confident investors who make choices based on intentional planning and thoughtfulness.
My Thoughts: Beyond - Love it!
The Line: ...I like the idea of creating responsibility and understanding the connection between effort and income....most people, kids included, value money differently when they earn it...
My Thoughts: Grand slam! My mom, dad and grandmother, may they rest in peace, are doing handstands in heaven! I have interview many people for the Sammy Rabbit Childhood Money Memory series and a common theme is how grateful many adults are for their parents helping and/or insisting they develop a strong work ethic.
The Line: One way to teach kids about saving is to help them identify a savings goal.
My Thoughts: In my article Money Lesson 3 Parents Should Teach Kids, I share "goals are like gold!" Enough said. But read my column anyway for additional Sammy Rabbit "gold karat" tips and strategies on teaching kids great money habits.
The Line: ...the truth is, regardless of where life takes them, they’ll be more secure if they’re traveling on a foundation built with a strong understanding of financial literacy.
My Thoughts: A foundation built with a strong understanding of financial literacy sets kids up for a lifetime of sustained and growing success. That is the exact kind Sammy Rabbit wants for kids.
BIG Sammy Rabbit kudos to columnist and mom, Elaine Roth!
What Sammy Rabbit Wants
Sammy Rabbit "wants" to make it easy for parents, teachers, and community leaders to begin talking to and teaching kids about money today. Everyone. That's why we have free memberships with quality content.
We encourage you to sign up immediately and get started.
A fun first starting step once you sign up, is to read the lyrics and listen to Sammy Rabbit Money Song - Get in the Habit with your child, children or students. Have a blast! The song is contagious. It will stick in your heads and hearts.
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Your friends in early age, youth and family financial literacy education for the last 20+ years and counting, Team Sammy! Have a Sammyriffic day!