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Have Your Kids Eaten Their Money? Part 3

by Team Sammy

At what age should parents begin teaching kids about money?

We initially posed the question above to industry and community leaders. We also posed it to our friends on LinkedIn when we posted the Sammy Rabbit blog titled: Two Kids Age 4 Talk Money with Author!

It is a key question on a life transforming topic - financial literacy education. Sammy Rabbit's view on the issue:

Developing great money habits is vital to achieving more financial security, stability, freedom and wellness. The earlier you "consciously" start the education process, the better!

Answers to the question vary. But every day more research and experts agree with our position, parents need to start the process early. And early, is far earlier than you may think!

I am pleased to share we have received lots of #Sammyriffic responses to the question. You will find some of them in this blog, the blog above and a recent blog titled Just Go to the Bank.

WE INVITE YOU to SEND us your response to the question. We will share it in Part 4 or 5 in this series of blogs! We think stories and memories are a fun and effective way for everyone to learn and raise awareness on the importance of early age and family financial literacy!

One of the funniest and on point replies has come from CFP® and personal finance author, J.J. Wenrich who shared: "As soon as they are old enough to stop putting the coins in their mouth is what I always say!"

Below, find more responses on when is a good or the right time to begin to teach kids about money!

Partha Iyengar, Co-Founder and CEO of The Women Financial Advisers Network

I believe when the baby is in the womb, during the third trimester of pregnancy is a good time to start and begin teaching kids about money. You might be saying to yourself, 'This is Insane'! However, the study of Epigenetics confirms our subconscious mind stores the experiences, beliefs, thoughts, feelings, actions and results of our parents and people around us from the third trimester to age 7. Based on this, we replicate most of these as our own patterns in the form of life scripts and money scripts. Everything is stored in the subconscious mind and gets retrieved when a 'Trigger' happens due to the external environment in the form of people or places.

Hence, it is very crucial for pregnant mothers and their partners to cultivate healthy beliefs across all aspects of life. That includes money. It can be done through positive self talk, which generate better thoughts and a more positive psychology. Mindfulness, meditation and spirituality also lead to higher vibrations in energy in our body that manifest themselves through feelings of joy, love, peace, abundance and gratitude.

Use whatever works for you to create more positive actions, behaviors and great habits. This will lead to better outcomes in all aspects of life, including money.

The positive impact we have on ourselves will spread to others on a daily basis as we "do" life.

These conversations, scripts and beliefs can all start when the child is in the womb!

Michelle J. Alexander, Personal Finance Instructor, Owner, AJM Financial, LLC.

As soon as they say yes when money is offered; they can walk to the bank door; and are old enough to do chores to earn funds. Group these things together, then they are definitely ready.

Preston Kwok, E-Learning Marketing Specialist

I think we need to teach kids how to handle money responsibly as soon as they grasp the concept of an "exchange". This way, good habits can stick with them until adulthood.

Marian Omidiji, Founder, Girl Wealth LLC

By the age of 4 children should be able to understand the connection between money and things. For example, a 4 year old who receives nickels any time they puts toys back in the bin, could then redeem those nickels for a treat at the end of the month!

Perfect for kids 3+

Cathrine Bena Sibanda, Personal Finance Consultant & Founder - Financial Literacy Trust

Children should be taught about money as soon as they start imitating everything you do. If they can copy other things, they are definitely learning financial behaviors even when you do not see it. Once they start paying attention and imitating what they see, that’s the right time to start teaching them about money.


Would you like to be featured in a Sammy Rabbit blog, guest column, quote of the week, etc.? Then contact Sammy.

Here is a “sneak peek” at couple of questions we would love to have your thinking on:

(1) WHERE do you stand on DIGITAL PAYMENTS? Are credit and debit cards better than cash? Get a sneak peak at what people are saying so far: See my LINKEDIN POST and comments to post.

Other than home or a classroom, WHAT is one of your favorite places to create a teachable “money moment” and why? Is it the bank? How about the grocery store? What about in the car, at a restaurant or at the gas station?

(2) What was your first job ? How much did you earn & what did you do with the money?

(3) Who is your favorite bank or credit union? What makes them special?

(4) Is teaching kids to save the single most important money habit you can teach them? If yes. Why. If no. Why not. What is?

(5) Other than home or a classroom, WHAT is one of your favorite places to create a teachable “money moment” and why? Is it the bank? How about the grocery store? What about in the car, at a restaurant or at the gas station?

That is one of the Sammyriffic things about daily life, it offers lots of opportunities for “in the moment” and “on the spot” life learning!

(6) What did you use to save money in as a child? See some of the response we have received so in this BLOG, including ones from #LinkedIn Senior Financial Services Editor, Devin Banerjee; financial writer and editor, Charles Bovaird; and Financial Dignity® Movement Founder, Christine Luken !

Contact Sammy to learn more about his strategic approach to early age and family financial literacy education.

CLICK to use our website contact form or email us at:

(1) Time Magazine. Infants Understand More Than You Think, Study Shows

(2) The Money Advice Service. Adult money habits are set by the age of seven years old shows new study

(3) Financial Education Entrepreneurs – The Sammy Rabbit Story

Have a Sammyriffic financially literate day!