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Have a Conversation with Kids About the Money Song: S-A-V-E

by Team Sammy

Exploring Conversation Starters for "S-A-V-E"!

Unlock engaging discussions about the significance of cultivating positive financial habits with our curated set of questions for "S-A-V-E."

Designed to spark meaningful conversations and encourage contemplation, these questions delve into the song's message on the importance of fostering good financial practices.

A few of my favorite lyrics and personal finance messages in the song are:

  • I'm gonna s-a-v-e

  • Gonna make it a habit, gonna make it automatic

  • Saving makes me strong

At the heart of the Sammy Rabbit's financial education teaching strategy and curriculum lies a strong emphasis on habit formation. Embracing the right money habits empowers individuals to advance and enhance their financial freedom, stability, and security, regardless of their initial financial standing.

Implementing the right money habits at an early age is life transforming.

Feel free to choose from, modify, or incorporate all the questions from our menu below. Customize them to align with your unique circumstances and preferences.

The ultimate objective is to create an inclusive and open environment for communication, learning, and action. Let the learning and exploration begin! Let's get kids, families, and communities consistently advancing their financial literacy knowledge, habits, and skills!

Menu of Questions for Discussion

Parents and teachers can engage in discussions with students about the song "S-A-V-E" by asking a variety of questions that encourage critical thinking and reflection. Here are some questions they might consider:

  1. Understanding the Message:

    • What do you think the main message of the song is?

    • How does the song emphasize the importance of saving?

  2. Personal Connection:

    • Can you relate to the message of the song? Why or why not?

    • Do you currently have any saving habits? If so, what are they?

  3. Emotional Impact:

    • How does the song make you feel?

    • In what ways can saving make someone feel strong, as mentioned in the lyrics?

  4. Motivation for Saving:

    • What reasons or motivations does the song give for saving money?

    • Can you think of other motivations for saving money that the song doesn't mention?

  5. Automatic Saving:

    • The lyrics mention making saving automatic. Why might that be a good idea?

    • How can one make saving a habit in their daily life?

  6. Group Involvement:

    • Why does the song encourage everyone to join in and save together?

    • Do you think there are benefits to saving as a group rather than individually?

  7. Discussion about Strength:

    • How does the song link the act of saving to becoming strong?

    • In what ways can financial responsibility contribute to personal strength?

  8. Encouraging Others:

    • How might you encourage your friends or family to adopt better saving habits?

    • Can you think of creative ways to spread the message of saving within your community?

  9. Financial Education:

    • Do you think songs like "S-A-V-E" can be effective tools for teaching financial concepts? Why or why not?

    • What other ways can schools and families promote financial literacy among children?

  10. Interpreting the Acronym:

    • What do you think each letter in S-A-V-E stands for, based on the context of the song?

    • How might the acronym contribute to the overall message of the song?

These questions can help facilitate meaningful discussions about the importance of saving, financial responsibility, and the impact of such messages on individuals and communities.


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