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Dori Thomas, Financial Literacy Champion

by Team Sammy

We enjoy spotlighting Sammy Rabbit Dream Big Reader Leaders and Financial Literacy Advocates.

Today we are pleased to share Dori Thomas’ story.

Dori works in Member Services at the Garrett Planning Network and she is also an Independent Distributor of Young Living Essentials Oils. Below is Dori's 5 month journey as a financial education champion. You will notice regular, consistent steps have been a key to her success. Many are small, time efficient posts in social media. More importantly, it has had her impacting the lives of kids and families not only in her own community, but in communities throughout the United States. It has earned her recognition from the Federal Reserve in Chicago. It is a real "Starfish" story with a compound, multiplier, impact effect, that is growing! 

October 2018

Dori starts her journey into financial literacy advocacy. 

November 2018

Dori receives two inspiring messages from Michael Morton, Financial Advisor and member of the Garrett Planning Network.

  • The first message comes in the form of a short video. Morton shares his surprise to receive the storybooks and the wonderful experience he had reading and talking about the book with his daughter.

  • In the second message Morton shares he will read Sammy's Big Dream to elementary students in 2019.

December 2018

Dori posts the following remarks in social media on financial education: 

January 2019

Dori posts and remarks in social media on Sammy Rabbit Dream Big Reads: 

February 2019

Dori puts her support behind the Arkansas Dream Big Read and posts in social media:

  • "The kids in AR are in for a real treat! Here comes #SammySaves!  

Dori announces and begins to organize her first financial education experience: Platte City Saves and a Sammy Rabbit Dream Big Read. She schedules the event for National Money Smart Week. The experience will be led in collaboration with Financial Planner Tracy St. John and the Platte City High School Chapter of the Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA).

March 2019

Dori receives recognition from the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago's Money Smart Week Team

  • Here is an excerpt from the communication Dori received.

Ms. Thomas,

I hope that you’re having a nice day.

My name is Jessa Wolfe, and the Outreach Program Representative for the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago Money Smart Week Team.

As you might be familiar, we are preparing the Money Smart Week 2019 Annual Report, as well as preparing to launch a new Money Smart Week website – both anticipated in June 2019. We’ve divided the categories of focus for the new website into Spending, Saving, Planning and Borrowing.

Given all the collaborative work that your planning team has done for the national Money Smart Week campaign, we would like to feature you in both the Annual Report and/or the new website...

Dori receives news from Michael Morton on his Dream Big Read to elementary students. Michael Morton shares:

  • "I had a super fun time reading Sammy Rabbit financial learning habits to my daughter's classroom. The kids were amazing in voicing their own big dreams. If they accomplish half of what they told me, the world is going to be awesome! I even got a big hug for my efforts!"  

Plans for the rest of 2019

That’s what Dori’s already accomplished! Here’s what she’s planned for the rest of the year:

  • August 2019 – Produce a day long Dream Big Kids Camp featuring Sammy Rabbit at the Garrett Planning Network Annual Member Retreat!

  • October 2019 – Launch Garrett Planning Network's Dream Big Read to celebrate Financial Planning Month

Quote from Dori

“It has been so satisfying sharing Sammy Rabbit and championing financial education. I look forward to affecting more lives through this amazing financial literacy program!” -Dori Thomas

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