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Week 1 Financial Education Program for Kids

by Team Sammy


The aim of Sammy Rabbit and his Dream Big Financial Education Program is to make quality financial literacy education tools and experiences available and accessible today to all those who want or need them!

The use of the resource will help kids build their futures by teaching them great money habits and to inspire them dream and do big one step at a time!

You can can access all the activities suggested herein for free on a Sammy Rabbit Partner Resource Hub.

Contact Sammy for a list of Partners.

OR click here to find several of Sammy Resource Hub Partners.

So, as Sammy Rabbit says: Let's get to it!

Week 1 Activities

Below are suggested activities for Week 1 of Sammy Rabbit’s 27 Week Financial Education Program for Young Kids.

The suggested activities are intended to create short money moments to keep kids learning and thinking about money on a regular basis, even daily.

NOTE: Money moments = experiences and conversations!

Pick activities and proceed at a pace you determine best.

Feel free to contact Sammy or Hub Partners for additional suggestions.

Day 1

Listen to the Audio Version of the Storybook Sammy's Big Dream!

The Audio Version of the Story contains several special features: Character voices; Sound effects; Music clips; a reading comprehension feature called Predict the Chapter Titles. They make for a special listening and learning experience!

Recall, remember, converse or write about the story.

Have a conversation about the "audio" version of the story. Play "Pretend Reporter!" Ask your child, children, student or students ("child") to "Pretend" they are a reporter who has to share with their readers what the story Sammy's Big Dream was about. You can have them do it orally or in writing. This is one way to discover what they recall and remember from the story and what stands out to them.

Day 2

Listen and watch the author read the story!

This is a second opportunity for children to experience the story and get more exposure to its lessons, language and personal finance concepts.

It also gives kids the chance to hear directly from the author not only tell the story but share important points about the story.

Either have a discussion or ask your child to write a few sentences:

(1) comparing the two experiences: (a) listening to the audio version of the story and (b) listening to and watching the author tell the story;

(2) on one point in the story that really stands out in their mind. For example, is it:

(i) saving and earning money are great habits

(ii) big dreams can come true

(iii) never give up

(iv) something else

Day 3

Read the Flipbook version of the story.

The Flipbook version of the story gives kids a third opportunity to experience the story and get more exposure to its lessons, language and personal finance concepts by reading it on their own.

The experience and language should be easier for them to both read and comprehend now that they have heard the story and its vocabulary two times.

Day 4

Either have a discussion or ask your child to write a few sentences regarding the importance of saving money and making it a habit.

Day 5

Either have a discussion or ask your child to write a few sentences regarding the importance of earning money.

Day 6

Either have a discussion or ask your child to write a few sentences regarding the importance of practicing great habits.

Day 7

Either have a discussion or ask your child to write a few sentences regarding one of their big dreams.

Saving money and reading are great habits!
They transform lives.

Proceed to Week 2 of Program

Next week, children will:

(i) Read and color the story

(ii) Review and color Sammy's Sayings at the bottom of each page of the story

(iii) Take two quizzes!


Tools and resources for all 27 weeks of Sammy’s financial education program can be experienced immediately by visiting a Sammy Partner Resource Hub.

See Week 2 activities: Read and Color

Tools and resources for all 27 weeks of Sammy's financial education program can be experienced immediately by visiting a Sammy Partner Resource Hub.

Become a Sammy Rabbit Resource Hub Partner.
Make quality financial literacy education experiences and tools available and accessible to your network and community today!

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