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Draft. Webisode 1. Sammy Rabbit's Money School

by Team Sammy

Sammy Rabbit's Money School | Webisode 1


HI! Welcome to Sammy Rabbit’s Money School!

I’m Sam, Sam the Money Man!

I’m a children’s author and the co-creator of Sammy Rabbit.

Sammy and I, we like to teach our friends all about smart ways to use money!

Who likes money? Raise your hand if you like money!!!

Sammy and I, we like money too! BUT, we want to make sure, we’re smart, and our friends are smart about how to use money.


Let’s get started. Let’s begin learning some smart ways to use our money!

Today, I want to review page 1 of Sammy’s coloring book titled: Saving is a great habit!

Everyone: repeat the title with me, say: Saving is a great habit!

Outstanding! Sammyriffic! Let’s do it one more time with hand signals.

Everyone follow and repeat after me, say: Saving is a great habit!

Excellent. Give yourself a circle round of applause!

Let me ask you a question. This is a question I asked Sammy Rabbit:

What should you choose to do with the money you earn and receive?

Money from birthdays. Money from holidays, like Christmas. Money from extra work you do, like maybe having a yard sale.

That’s today’s question: What should you choose to do with the money you earn and receive?


Now, here are today’s action steps:

  1. (1) Download and print today’s activity sheets.
  2. (2) Color Activity Sheet 1
  3. (3) While you are coloring, listen to the song: S-A-V-E! I am going to play a little bit of it for you in a few seconds
  4. (4) After you are done coloring, think some more about the question on Activity Sheet 2:
    1. (1) What should I choose to do with the money I earn and receive
    2. (2) Talk the question over with one or both of your parents.
    3. (3) Ask them what they think you should choose to do with the money you earn and receive?
  5. (5) When you are finished, take your activity sheets and place them in a folder or a 3-ring binder.
  6. (6) Now, let’s listen together to a few seconds of Sammy Rabbit’s song: S-A-V-E!


That’s all for now. Come back tomorrow for more fun, more activities and more learning at Sammy Rabbit’s Money School! It’s where Sammy and his friends learn smart ways to use money.

So long everybody! Have a Sammyriffic day!


  1. (1) Coloring Sheet Page 1 – Saving is a Great Habit Coloring and Activity Book | #W1AS1
  2. (2) Worksheet: What should I choose to do with the money I earn and receive? | #W1AS2
  3. (3) Review Worksheets:
    1. (1) Important Ideas and Sentences: List # W1IS1
      1. (1) Saving money is a great habit! | #W1AS3
    2. (2) Important Words from Today’s Learning and Activities: List # W1VW1
      1. (1) Money | #W1AS4
      2. (2) Choose or Choice | #W1AS5
      3. (3) Earn | #W1AS6
      4. (4) List | #W1AS7
      5. (5) Habit | #W1AS8
      6. (6) Saving | #W1AS9
  4. (4) Additional Resources
    1. (1) Video: How to Build Your Sammy Rabbit Dream Big Journal | Part 1 | NOTE: Video to be posted XX.XX.XX
    2. (2) Video: How to Build Your Sammy Rabbit Dream Big Dictionary | Part 1 | NOTE: Video to be posted XX.XX.XX
    3. (3) Video: Review of Important Ideas and Sentences | Webisode 1: List # W1IS1 | NOTE: Video to be posted XX.XX.XX
    4. (4) Video: Review of Important Words | Webisode 1: List # W1VW1 | NOTE: Video to be posted XX.XX.XX

We welcome your feedback and suggestions!