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Digital Deluxe Story Set

by Team Sammy


Sammy’s Big Dream "Digital" Deluxe Story Set is more than a book or collection of learning resources – it's an interactive experience that teaches kids about money, goal setting, and more!

It provides parents and teachers SIX (6) ways and 110 activities to help their children and students build their personal finance knowledge and skills.

Kids and readers will learn about saving money, earning money, working hard, setting goals, planning, spending smart, giving and making their big dreams come true!

It is the perfect financial literacy education resource for anywhere and anytime learning. You can use the curriculum at home, in a car or a classroom just as this mom's testimonial indicates.

Hi, Sam! How are you? I hope life is kind to you and your family. Wanted to share a story. My two kids are now 19 and 16. I am very proud of how mindful they are about money. I asked them why they think they are so careful with finances and my daughter said, “Sammy the Rabbit! Everyday, going to elementary school, you played his CDs for us. Saving, spending, investing….we hear his message every day. And it made a difference!” So, want to give you credit. You taught my babies and they still remember all your songs…

The curriculum is easy to use, engaging and effective. It is also versatile. It builds children's reading, writing, comprehension, critical thinking and choice making skills in addition to their money skills

Like all Sammy Rabbit education materials, the "Digital" Deluxe Story Set stresses "habit" formation. We believe great money habits are the foundation to greater financial preparedness, security, stability and freedom.

"...what if there were a way to program our kids to make smart choices now and in the future without relying on will power or setting them up to feel deprived? The key might be as simple as catching our kids at a very young age and helping them form the right habits, just like Sammy Rabbit’s parents and Auntie Squirrel have done in Sam X Renick’s powerful financial literacy tools..." Source: Abby Kovach, CFP® , in column titled: The Power of Starting the Right Money Habits Early

The strategic resource gives kids multiple methods and opportunities to grasp and master concepts that include story telling, reading, coloring, writing, and illustrating.

It also provides parents, teachers and trainers with a wide array of options to attract kids to the subject matter, teach lessons and reinforce personal finance principles.

The resource can be supplemented in a variety of ways. It can be augmented with Sammy's Dream Big Story Program, Sammy music and/or your own lesson plans.

Here is a review of the SIX (6) experiences Sammy's Big Dream "Digital" Deluxe Story Set offers.


Download and print Section 1 of the Deluxe Story Set - Read and Color the Story: Pages 6-31.

Have learners:

(1) Read the story. (Experience 1)

(2) Color the story. (Experience 2)

(3) While coloring, listen to the audio version of the story. Or, just have learners listen to the audio version of the story (Experience 3).

While listening to the story have learners "predict chapter" titles. This is a unique feature of the resource. Predicting helps children build better comprehension skills.


While coloring or independent of coloring, learners may also listen to Sammy Rabbit's Dream Big Money Music Channel.

Sammy music can be found on YouTube, Spotify or Apple. They are all FREE.

Experience Four

Download and print Section 2 of the resource - Story Quiz & Review: Pages 35-66.

This section of the resource provides 31 activities to test, measure and assess what kids are learning.

It includes writing, multiple choice questions, fill in the blanks, solving hidden message puzzles, coloring, tracing, word searches, criss-cross, and the Dream Big Pledge.

Experience Five

For parents and teachers who want to build kids writing and vocabulary skills, download and print section 3 of the resource - Write the Story: Pages 69-94.

Experience Six

For kids who like to draw, download and print section 4 of the resource - Illustrate the Story: Pages 97-122.

What Kids Will Learn!

Here is a summary of what kids will learn:

(1) Earning and saving money are great habits!

(2) Big dreams can come true with hard work and the support of others.

(3) To give their best effort and not give up to easily.

(4) Setting goals and written plans help make dreams come true.

(5) Spending smart, making sacrifices, and focusing our energy and attention gives us a better chance to get what we want.

(6) Giving and helping others is a great habit!

(7) Lots of personal finance, goal-setting and planning language!

VIEW SAMPLE of Sammy's Big Dream "Digital" Deluxe Story Set


get the Deluxe Story Set as part of Sammy's Big Dream "Digital" Financial Literacy Curriculum and Story Program Instructor's Kit! Click the image to learn more!

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