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Teen, College, Young Adult Leaders Discuss Financial Literacy

by Team Sammy

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Once a month, teen, college and young adult leaders from around the world will discuss financial literacy, great money habits and personal finance with Sammy Rabbit!

The goal – get young people thinking, talking and inspiring everyone to advance financial literacy education throughout the globe, so we are all more able and capable of having better and brighter futures!

(1) Address and contribute to solving a global challenge - financial illiteracy

(2) Get exposure. Be heard. Demonstrate your thought leadership

(3) Grow your network. Meet and be introduced to people

(4) Receive mentoring on financial literacy, networking and entrepreneurship

Here are a few ways teens, college students and young adults can support Sammy and his mission to bring more financial literacy education resources and experiences to children, families and communities throughout the world.


Participate and be featured in a Sammy Rabbit Teen, College and Young Adult Financial Literacy Discussion Panel!

SEE Panel Discussions and Young Leaders Guest Blogs.


Lead a Sammy Dream Big Financial Literacy Education Experience in your community, just like students from Loras College did in Dubuque, Iowa.


Be a Sammy Teen and College Student Guest Money Blogger just like Rishab Gosalia and others have done and are doing!


Be a Sammy Rabbit Dream Big Social Media Ambassador!


To be featured in a Panel discussion, participate and contribute in another manner, or to learn more, contact Sammy.

Below find a list of young leaders who have participated in Sammy Rabbit Teen, College and Young Adult Financial Literacy Education Discussion Panels and supporters!

Sheila Mmboga Afande | Panel 4

Sheila is a Financial Literacy Advocate, Consultant and the Founder of the Financial Wellness Centre in Dubai, United Arab Emirates.

The Financial Wellness Centre is an organization that is focused on creating financial awareness both at personal and organizational level.

Sedinam Ameku | Panel 2

Sedinam is a financial literacy advocate in Accra, Ghana! She is the Founder of Females and Finance Organization. She has a degree in Insurance with Actuarial Science and certificate in the Fundamentals of Financial Services from the Chartered Institute for Securities and Investments (UK). She is passionate about helping people meet their financial goals and improving their financial well-being.

Parth Asawa | Panel 3

Parth is a senior at Monta Vista High School in Cupertino, California. He is the Director of the Financial Literacy Introduction Program and an Executive Board Member of the Youth Economics Initiative. He’s also involved in a number of clubs, and is the President of the Model UN Club and Math and Science Club at his school.

Danielle Bautista | Panel 3

Danielle is the Marketing Associate at SaverLife, a non-profit that helps working families achieve financial wellness. She graduated Summa Cum Laude from the University of Maine in 2017 with her BA in International Affairs, and she's currently pursuing her MA in Diplomacy & International Conflict Management from Norwich University.  

She has worked at non-profits focused on financial empowerment since she graduated college and hopes to earn her AFC certification in the near future.

JP Blasini | Panel 1

JP is the founder and visionary of a new Fin Tech startup JP is also the Lead Data Analyst at Healthcare Data Analytics. He is a personal finance and data lover. He spent 3 years working at Vanguard after graduating from the University of Central Florida with a degree in Finance.

Markose Chenthitta | Panel 4

Markose Chenthitta was born and raised in Dubai, UAE and graduated from Wayland Baptist University in Plainview, Texas. He currently works with American Express as a Product Consultant while simultaneously pursuing his passions and desire to expand his human capital by advancing his digital marketing skills.  

Once Markose jumped into the rabbit hole of money, Austrian economics, blockchain, cryptos etc., he decided to share his ideas, knowledge, and expertise through a financial education podcast he has founded and hosts weekly called FINfluential! His goal is to champion the causes of increasing your financial confidence, raising your human capital, and bringing economic freedom to the whole world.

Jedidiah "Jed" Collins | Panel 3

Jedidiah Collins CFP® is a former NFL player, Amazon best-selling author, and podcaster who after being cut 12 times became the #1 Fullback in the NFL. He took many principles and behaviors away from the game of football but was also faced with the reality of how unprepared he was for the financial opportunity of professional sports. This dilemma drove him to study for his Certification in Financial Planning while he was still playing in the NFL. The Money Vehicle workshops, best-selling book Your Money Vehicle, and virtual course are on a mission to teach young professionals how to U.S.E. money (Understand, Strategize, Efficient).

Jed is also a husband, father, and a passionate advocate for financial empowerment.

Danielys Coriano | Panel 3

Danielys is from Puerto Rico. She moved to Florida in 2017 and has been living there for 3 years. Currently she is studying at Valencia College and hopes to become a Speech and Language Pathologist. 

Danielys is part of the Coming To America education and author program.

She loves animals, being with my family, singing and playing instruments. And, she is passionate about helping other people and always doing her bit.

Michael Damazo | Panel 3

Mike Damazo is an Enlisted Active Duty Sailor, who posts weekly to
YouTube. He is known for his personal finance video for Military
Members, Veterans, and First Responders helping them get the F outta
debt then build wealth. Mike shares his own experience from paying off
$50,000 worth of debt to creating a net worth of $500,000 and
counting. He intends to only bring the best information and full

Aditya Desai | Panel 1

Aditya will be a senior this coming fall at Livingston High School in Livingston, New Jersey. Aditya is a social entrepreneur. He is the founder and director of the Economics Education Initiative ( He is also an active member of Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA). He serves on the National Treasurer’s Council as the Director of Financial Literacy.

Mohammed Faisal | Panel 1

Mohammed is the Co-Founder and CEO of The Money Hub (, a social innovation start-up with the mission of teaching financial literacy throughout disadvantaged neighborhoods.

Diana Frick | Panel 4

Diana is a financial coach and owner of Wealth Worthy LIfe. She is a first-generation immigrant. Her parents brought her to the United States from Peru when she was 1 year old. Like many immigrants, they came in search of the American dream. They arrived with little money but lots of hope for their family. What Diana admires so much about her parents was the hard work and sacrifices they made to have a better life. She believes people have the capability to live their version of a wealthy life and it all starts in our day to day finances.

Ronnie Green | Panel 2

Ronnie is the Founder and CEO of PushStash, an AI trading platform that grows small investment accounts exponentially for the working class who have no access to hedge fund-like products. Their aim to create wealth for the working class.

Ella Gupta | Panel 2

Ella is an author, founder and CEO of at Initiative for Financial Literacy  Exploration, iFLEX. The mission – democratize personal finance.

Ella is passionate about writing and empowering others through financial literacy and investing. She is currently writing a book, with a working title, “Generation Zinance: An Actionable Guide for Gen Z to Thrive In the New Age of Investing.”

Kriti Gupta | Panel 4

Kriti Gupta has a dual MBA in Corporate Finance and Investments from the University of Notre Dame. During her MBA she was one of the few people selected from her MBA class to meet Warren Buffet in Omaha and tour three of his businesses. 

Kriti is also a Chartered Accountant with experience in financial modeling, forecasting, risk consulting, forensic accounting and fraud detection, fund management, project financing, underwriting, asset management, fundraising, and asset development. Currently, she is managing S H S P & Associates, a financial and strategy consulting business.

She has written case studies to be used for academic purposes and writes a personal blog. Her short stories were recently published by a Canadian publishing house in the form of a book. 

Jermaine Hughes | Panel 3

Jermaine was born and raised in East Oakland. While attending elementary school he saw the level of poverty in Oakland and was heartbroken. Not until high school did he come to an understanding of why things were that way. Learning to perform spoken word poetry with Youth Speaks, he found out he had a gift and has been performing ever since. He's performed at protests, schools,  companies and churches alike. He released his book of poetry Woke Not Broke in November of 2018. He now owns the company As You Love Yourself, LLC. It supports his work in the community to increase financial literacy in the urban community.

Valerie Lentine | Panels 1, 2

Val is an incoming senior at John Burrough’s High School in Burbank, California. She is an honor student; plays on the Tennis team; and a member of the school band. She also participates in many clubs including being the secretary of Teen Court, Unicef, and Habitat for Humanity. Her immediate education goal is to attend UCLA.

Haillee MacDonald | Panel 4 

Hailee is a Marketing Intern at Invite Education and a graduate of the Sawyer Business School at Suffolk University. She believes everyone has the capability to achieve wealth.

Deon Mixon | Panel 1

Deon is graphic designer, author and founder of Design Eye Game which sells Design Eye — the world’s first graphic design education board game. He is from Detroit, Michigan and works there as a brand identity designer for the design studio Gyro. Another noteworthy accomplishment of Deon’s is his newly proposed flag for the city of Detroit, named “Detroit Rise!”

Andy Niser | Panel 2

Andy is a rising senior at Jones College Prep in Chicago, Illinois. He is a very active leader and community volunteer. He is a high level soccer referee, avid distance runner, and the President of his local BBYO chapter.

He has a passion for learning and is dedicated to achieving success and making a positive impact on the world.

Peter K. Asare Nyarko | Panels 1, 2

Peter is a social entrepreneur, author, founder and Executive Director of Center for Financial Literacy Education Africa ( He is a Financial Literacy Advocate and Educator. Additionally, Peter is the Lead TFAF Ambassador in Ghana and he is championing “The Improving Financial Awareness and Financial Literacy Movement in Ghana and Africa.”

Rebekah Eason Partridge | Panel 1

Rebekah (Becky) is a Certified Financial Planner (CFP®) at Rooted Planning Group in  Corning, New York. In high school she took every business course offered and fell in love with accounting. While attending Alfred State College she was directed to their financial planning program and knew instantly it was a perfect fit. Now, she is able to leverage her love of numbers to help people achieve their dreams and goals.

Cameron Rufus | Panels 2, 3, 4

Cameron is going into his senior year at Bowling Green State University where he is majoring in Finance, Insurance and Risk Management. He was the President, and previously Treasurer, of the university’s Financial Management Society and a member of its Financial Investing Club. Cameron’s mission is to positively impact the lives of all the people he meets, whether that’s through a service or friendship. He is a big advocate for teaching the youth financial literacy and education.

Sidhant “Sid” Srivastava | Panels 2, 3

Sid is an incoming junior at Livingston High School in New Jersey. He is the Director of Design Thinking for Economics Education Initiative (EEI) and served in the New Jersey Community Service Committee for the Future Business Leaders of America – Phi Beta Lambda (FBLA-PBL).

Alexander E. Echavarria Suárez | Panel 3

Alexander is originally from Venezuela and is currently a second year student at Valencia College in Florida. He is a participant and author in the Coming To America education program that chronicles the stories of immigrant student's journeys to the United States. His chapter and memoir in the book is titled: A Long Trip for a New Beginning. His work and contribution to the program have earned him invitations to numerous conferences as a guest speaker.

Kendall Williams | Panel 1

Kendall is a resident advisor at Benedictine College in Atchison, Kansas. He is also the co-Founder of Stay Fresh Lifestyle. Kendall is also an active volunteer and mentor with ExtraOrdinary Over Ordinary and Atchison Alternative School. 

Danijel Velicki | Panel 4

Financial educator, CEO and founder of Sqwire, LLC, Danijel Velicki, is fiercely committed to equipping and empowering every single person he encounters with the information and resources to confidently thrive across all facets of life.  

Danijel is a devoted family man who spends his free time with his wife, Melissa, and their three children, Maja, and twins, Ella and Noah. When not spending time with family on their summer vacations to his childhood home in Croatia, they can all be found at his local gym, Crossfit Chesapeake, encouraging individuals and families to pursue physical health and wellness.

BIG gratitude and thankfulness to the following individuals and enterprises for the supporting the strategy and making a platform available for young leaders to discuss financial literacy!

Leslie Girone

Leslie is a Financial Literacy Advocate, Sammy Rabbit Dream Big Ambassador and Founder of Money Smart 101!

Susan Doty

Susan is the Director of the Center of Economic Education and Financial Literacy at the University of Texas Tyler. She is an award winning economic educator who is passionate about improving economic and financial literacy generationally!

Derrick Wesley 

Derrick is a teacher, father, and founder of Imar Learning Solutions and creator of the soon to be released APP: Plan It!

Leaders who want to discuss financial literacy and/or bring more financial literacy education resources and experiences to kids, families, and communities contact Sammy today!

CLICK to use our website contact form or email us at: