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Money Lesson 4 Parents Should Teach Kids: Nothing Is Free

by Team Sammy

Nothing is Free

There is a Price for Everything - Nothing is Free. Lesson 4

Parents, teach children nothing is free. Teach them there are no free rides. Teach them to pay the price, put in the work and earn their way. There is no substitute for a strong work and earn ethic!

They may not thank you today. But, they will thank you many tomorrows from now, many, many times.

Dad and Mom Knew, I Didn't

My dad and mom taught us we could have anything we wanted if we were willing to work for it.

Those words have repeated in my thoughts for the last 60 years.

We grew up with everything we needed, but very little of what we thought we wanted. Dad and mom gave us something better than what we thought we wanted, they gave us "agency." They gave us a work ethic. They gave us the knowledge that we had the capability to get what we wanted, if we had the desire and determination to earn it.

They seeded in our hearts and heads, you want to pay your own way. You do not want to expect anything for free. In fact, you should be skeptical and questioning of things offered to you for free. As a child, that doesn't seem so grand. But as a teen, young adult, and maturing adult, you realize it is priceless.

That is something dad and mom knew, as our parents and the leaders of our household. That is something I didn't know as a kid.

They made the "hard calls" in our home, which translated into daily, weekly and monthly decisions on how to manage a very limited and scarce resource in our home, money.

4 Easy and Fun Steps to Teach Your Kids Nothing is Free

Have kids:

  1. Listen to the song No Free Rides

  2. Read the story Sammy's Big Dream. Review and discuss pages Pages 11 and 16. These pages demonstrate you can get something for nothing and hard work pays off.

  3. Follow up the song and story with a discussion

  4. Make a deposit with your child or children into a piggy bank, savings jar or into a savings account at the financial institution of your choice.

Sammy Rabbit says: "You can do it. Now, get to it!"

Let's Get Kids Financially Literate

Let's get kids financially literate and dreaming big, their families and communities too.

Here is what you can do:

Here is how you can make a difference:

  • Collaborate and partner with Team Sammy on '1' or more financial education strategies. See our Menu of Project Ideas or suggestion one of your own!

Contact Sammy


We welcome your questions, suggestions, thoughts about Sammy Rabbit and his mission to get kids, families & communities financially literate.

Your friends in early age, youth and family financial literacy education for the last 20+ years and counting.

Related Reading and Resources

5 Outstanding Quotes and Sammyriffic Wisdom on Learning There Are No Free Rides and Having a Strong Work Ethic

I am grateful and thankful dad and mom knew what many happy and successful people and parents also knew, nothing is free.

Here are five outstanding quotes that reflect the power of learning there are no free rides and having a strong work ethic.

(1) There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning from failure.

–Colin Powell

(2) Nothing will work unless you do.

–Maya Angelou

(3) Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out.

–Robert Collier

(4) There's no such thing as a free lunch.

–Milton Friedman

(5) "Burn it your memory. Burn it in your mind. Nothing's free - no free rides!"

–Sammy Rabbit