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From Allowances and Lemonade Stands to Saving and Investing: How Financial Literacy Changes Teens' Lives

by Team Sammy

Guest Blogger Asher Ridzinski

In this special guest blog, Sammy Rabbit is proud to showcase the journey and insights of Asher Ridzinski.

Asher is a high school sophomore who is a financial education advocate with a passion for community service. He currently is an outreach coordinator for FLAME, a non-profit dedicated to teaching the youth financial literacy. He also serves on the VNA Meals on Wheels teen board, which helps in feeding the hungry and spreading awareness about senior hunger. 

Discover more about Adam on LinkedIn: Asher Ridzinski

My Journey

My journey into financial literacy began in 3rd grade when a couple of my friends and I ran a lemonade stand for a day. We built the stand, made the lemonade, and spent hours outside selling it. We had to put money into the stand and, in return, made money from it. That simple experience introduced me to the basics of financial literacy and investing.

At the end of the day, I decided to save my earnings, while my friends spent theirs on candy. That moment was a crucial turning point for me—I started to truly understand the value of saving and financial skills. Because I had saved my money, I had funds to invest in even more lemonade stands, while my friends, after enjoying their candy, were left with nothing. This experience showed me firsthand how saving early can provide opportunities for things far more valuable than a fleeting treat.

My Message

I believe that experiences like running a lemonade stand can have a lasting impact on a person’s life. Financial literacy is essential, and the earlier it is taught, the better. When children learn how to save and invest at a young age, they set themselves up for future rewards. Allowances and lemonade stands serve as great stepping stones to more significant investments and long-term financial habits. If a child or teen develops smart money habits early, they will carry those skills with them for life.

By teaching kids the value of small money-making opportunities, we empower them with the knowledge to build lasting wealth and a successful future. That’s why we must all strive to instill financial literacy in the next generation—it has the power to change lives.

Connect with our Featured Guest Blogger

Have Asher as a part of your network. Connect with him on LinkedIn: Asher Ridzinski

Attention Young Leaders

We welcome and invite you to participate in Sammy's 'Be the Change' financial literacy initiative for college and high school students.

(1) Join peers advancing awareness on the importance of early age, youth, and family financial education by having your journey into financial literacy featured as a Sammy Rabbit Guest Blogger.

(2) Then volunteer as a Sammy Rabbit Ambassador or Intern championing financial literacy in your community and around the globe! Learn more in these blogs or by CONTACTING Team Sammy today! We welcome your questions and suggestions on Sammy Rabbit and his mission to get kids, families & communities financially literate.