Decode & Sing: Episode 1 - Get in the Habit!
Age Level
- 7+
- Habits ,
- Interest ,
- Saving
- Comprehension
This video series gives kids the opportunity to decode secret money messages from song lyrics and activities. This episode's song: Get in the habit! The episode's theme: Make a habit of saving money.
Decode & Sing: Episode 1 - Activities
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ChecklistIt is important to build the right money habits. One of Sammy's favorites habits is having a checklist. Why are checklists important? They help us organize, prioritize and make efficient use of our time. They also position us to accomplish our goals.Premium membership required.Go Premium
Lyric SheetReading is a great habit and life skill. Readers learn more, often earn more, and grow throughout their lives. This activity gives kids an opportunity to read lyrics to the song "Get in the Habit"; learn key money language; grow their vocabulary; and reinforce a key money concepts including making a habit of saving money.Premium membership required.Go Premium
UnscrambleThe Unscramble is a fun activity and challenge to keep kids engaged and learning about the language of money. It gives them the opportunity to become more familiar personal finance language. In this activity kids will build their vocabularies using key words from the song: "Get in the Habit!"Premium membership required.Go Premium
Decode the Secret MessageKids will decode the song "Get in the Habit's" secret money message. Decoding is an important reading comprehension skill. The activity and decoding strategy are an excellent way to pique kids interest and keep them interested in learning about money.Premium membership required.Go Premium
Write the Secret MessageWhen we write, we're required to think. The Write the Message activity intends to have kids further think about and reinforce the personal finance concept being taught in the episode - get in the habit to save money.Premium membership required.Go Premium
Color the MessageColoring is an activity everyone enjoys. This activity intends to reinforce the money habit and concept being taught in the episode in a fun yet purposeful manner. Get in the habit of saving money!Premium membership required.Go Premium
Music ReviewThis activity gives kids an opportuninty to be a music critic and practice their critical thinking skills. Critical thinking is an important habit and life skill. It creates successful outcomes and better choices, including money choices.Premium membership required.Go Premium