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Do the Holiday Season Right!

by Team Sammy

Enjoy our holiday song Sammy and Santa's Advice and FREE coloring sheets. Happy Holidays!

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Sammy and Santa’s Advice!
Lyrics by Sam X Renick

Do the holiday season right
Do the holiday season right
Have bells that jingle and ring
Be a voice that is merry and sings
Go light up lights and light up lives
Oh make them shine so bright

In all the places you go
Be sure to bring lots of ho, ho, ho
That’s Sammy and Santa’s advice
That’s Sammy and Santa’s advice

Have a plan and have a list
Be precise and check them twice
Home made jams and hand knit gloves
Made with lots and lots of love
Good gifts don’t have to be store bought
They don’t have to cost a lot

It’s good to give. It’s smart to share
It’s good to receive. It’s smart to believe
Now getting toys is nice
But giving joy is worth twice the price
Create warm and loving memories
Spend time with friends and family

Be merry. Check
Light up lights. Check
Light up lives. Check
Make a plan and have a list. Check
Give joy and be thoughtful. Check
Be thankful and grateful. Check
Spend time with friends and family. Check
Bring lots of ho, ho, ho everywhere I go. Check