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All Star Reader Lynn Demmons, Personal Finance Author

by Team Sammy

All Star Reader Leader Lynn Demmons

Lynn Demmons, EdS and personal finance author from Atlanta, Georgia reads the Money, Money, Honey Bunny by Marilyn Sadler as part of Sammy Rabbit’s New Special Guest All Star Reader Program!

Here is a short excerpt from Lynn's Sammy Rabbit Childhood Money Memory interview. It will give you a feel for who she is and how / why financial literacy education became important to her.

Team Sammy: At what age and how did you come to realize money had a value?

Lynn Demmons:  I realized the value of money at an early age. One day we were in the dollar store and I wanted a book. I don’t remember how much the book cost, but I asked my mom to buy the book. She told me I did not have enough money to purchase the book. I’m ashamed to say, when my mom was not looking, I put the book underneath my shirt. You live and you learn!

As we were exiting the store, I thought I was home free, until my Auntie, who was with us, started yelling, “Lynn what do you have underneath your shirt.” My mom told her to hush. Then she looked at me and asked, “what is underneath your shirt.” I pulled the book out and handed to my mom. She replied, “return that book to the cashier and apologize.” We turned to go back into the store. I met the cashier at the door and returned the book with tears in my eyes. “I’m sorry,” I said. “I really wanted the book.” A lady standing nearby heard the conversation and said, “I will pay for the book, but you must promise me that you will save the money you need to buy what you want.” I replied, “yes ma’am and thank you.”

Click on the image to read the full interview.

Discover more about All Star Reader Leader, the inspiring Lynn Demmons. Connect with her on LinkedIn: Lynn Demmons!

Listen in to Lynn Demmons read Money, Money Honey Bunny!

Honey Bunny learns to use her money wisely and make smart money choices.

Honey Bunny has a whole bunch of money. She is saving some of it, but she is spending lots if it.

Is Honey Bunny spending to much? Is she saving enough? Will Honey Bunny run out of money?

Be sure to stay tuned to the very end to discover what All Star Reader Leader Lynn Demmons thinks are the most important lessons the story shares! They make for a great discussion!

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including activities for today’s story, plus lots more!

When you are done listening to the story, check out and consider joining Sammy Rabbit’s Money School!

The school provides lots of innovative and interactive programs to help kids build their money, reading, writing and critical thinking skills.

There you will also find activities to supplement today’s story, Isabel’s Car Wash!

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A Few of the Things Kids Can Do in Sammy’s Money School!

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We have lots of fun and purpose filled family financial education on its way. There are several ways to contribute and collaborate.

One way is to BE a Special Guest Sammy Rabbit All Star Reader! Contact us for information and/or click the banner above!

We are so proud of and grateful to our All Star Readers. Research consistently reflects reading role models make a difference. They tangibly demonstrate to kids the importance of making reading regularly a habit!

Thank you Lynn!